White Hat Ranker is a Google News Approved site providing reports, polls and news in the UK and abroad. While our editors work hard to get the latest stories out, we just can't keep up with everything - that's why we'd love to contribute!

If you'd like to write for us, please read the following guidelines:

Send a message

All contributions and submissions must be emailed to be considered.

Please include the following in your email:

· Your name

· A brief overview of your article idea

· An author biography

Contributors are encouraged to include illustrations, such as photos, graphics, and other media, in their submission.

The editorial team by email to the address:

[email protected]



To increase the chances of your submission being accepted and published on White Hat Ranker, please familiarize yourself with the content we have created.

All submissions must be unique (i.e. not found anywhere on the internet)